Thursday, 26 April 2012

Beautiful Broken Butterflies

In 2011, Artist Anne Ten Donkelaar created the truly stunning and intimate collection, 
 Upon finding these undeniably striking insects, Anne would set to work to repair their bodies.
As each butterfly is different, so would be her methods to work on them. 
 Depending on what they needed, Anne would see to the restoration of their wings and bodies with materials such as thread, gold leaf, paper and even twigs and branches. 

The butterfly below has been painstakingly and intricately repaired 
with a map from the area where the species originates.
This one is my favourite!

Which one is yours?


Friday, 13 April 2012

Wish me Pretty

The infamous Glamour Magazine has also featured one of our jewels this month!

Here we have a VERY cute image of our 
Silver Wish Coin Necklace,
which is available if you so wish it, here.

The only way this could be any sweeter, is if the cat was wearing one too!


Thursday, 12 April 2012

ELLE est belle!

 We are extremely happy to tell you that we are featured in this month's May issue of ELLE UK!

Modeled by the jaw dropping beauty, Ilva,
and styled by our ever favourite, 
Anne-Marie Curtis...

This shoot is pure 'Ecstasy.'

The gorgeous bit of twinkle you have come to witness is our,
Black Diamond Cross on 18ct gold,
available in store.

To check out the shoot, just hop skip and jump to your nearest news stand...
Page 180!


Wednesday, 11 April 2012

x Rosie Huntington-Whitely x

After modeling our jewellery for an up-coming VOGUE UK,
the gorgeous Rosie Huntington-Whitely
 loved the pieces so much,
 she purchased one of our extra special
Hammered Sequin 'Y' necklaces in 
18ct yellow gold!

Being a lucky little thing, Rosie has actually bagged herself an exclusive!

Not yet in store, this elegant piece
 is due to hit the boutique scene in the not too distant future.  

We'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Spring has Sprung!

 We hope that you have had a lovely Easter Break!
To continue the Spring Holiday feel, why not stroll over to the boutique to see our new window display!
Fresh tourmalines and glistening rubies decorate our new cutie cabinets,
it's truly a treat to behold!


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Pretty Peek Preview

Time for a new shop window!
We're thinking.... Spring, we're thinking meadow flowers, baskets, fresh laundry...

Ooh look... Perfect!
Makes you want to frolic in a nearby meadow!


Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Tweet Tweet!

Please come join the family and follow us on Twitter!

It'll be lots of fun!


Monday, 2 April 2012

Calling all Easter Bunnies...

Dear Bunny,

I think an early start on Easter Sunday is in order! 
We would like every tree filled by breakfast time please.
The more colourful the better!

 Thank you!

Yours always,
The LLJ Gals